Does your carseat look like this? Are you tired of trying to clean out all the crumbs the seem to accumulate in the bottom of the seat? Well I have come up with an answer for you! (Sorry for the terrible picture, by the way!)

First you will need a computer with some fun music to listen to and maybe some treats. Oh and a carseat would be great!

You will also need a spare changing pad that may have come with one of your diaper bags. You will want to make sure it is a good size to fit in the seat.

Next make a paper verison of your changing pad. I just taped a bunch of pieces of paper together and then cut it out the same size as my changing pad.

Put your paper verison in the seat and use a pencil to draw lines where the seat belts fit in.

Then fold your paper version in half and cut out the pieces off so it fits nicely in your seat. Make sure you make marks for where the bottom buckle with come through as well.

Next take your pad and remove the binding.

If should look like this when your done.

Then lay your paper version on top of the pad and cut it out so it looks just like your paper version.

Sew around the edges where you cut it. If you have slots for your straps like mine then use a small zig zag and go over these slots a few times so they will hold up to lots of wear and tare.

If you have a button holer big enough for your bottom buckle then that will work great! Mine was a little to big so I just used a small zig zag and went over it a few times. Then use your seam ripper and open the inside of the button hole.

Decorate as you please. Have some fun with it!

Then sew the binding back on. (I used some black binding I bought at the store instead of the brown that was originally on it.) Then put it in your carseat and now it is all ready to catch all those nasty crumbs. If it gets dirty then just take it out and put it in the wash on gentle or hand wash it.

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