Remember this
shelf? Well I finally figured out what I wanted to put on it! Hurray!

First you will need 2 2x4's. I cut mine into 22 blocks (5 8in. & 4in. blocks, 4 7in, 6in, & 5in. blocks) Then I divided them all up so they looked like this.

Here is the one for SPRING

Then I found some cordinating papers and cut them to fit the blocks.

Then found some matching paints.

Then I painted each block. I painted all the sides except the front because it was going to be covered in paper.

Then I decided to hand draw the letters and cut them out on white paper.

Then I modge podged the paper onto the front.

Then I put a layer of modge podge on top of the paper.

Then laid the letters on top and put yet another coat of modge podge. ( man I love that stuff! )

Then all the letters will look like this!

I technically haven't done this step yet, but I am planning on doing it soon. When for this step I am planning on outlining the outside of the letters with elmer's glue and then pour glitter on top.

Then I added some extra touches and set them on my shelf! Hurray!

I also painted these cute little wooden figures and hung them on the hooks!

And Volia! Now I just need to get SUMMER, FALL, and WINTER done. Stay tuned for pictures!
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