January 30, 2012

Another New Dress

I know!  You didn't expect to hear from me so soon right?  School is getting off to a slow start, but I don't expect it to stay that way.

While I had a mildly slow week I decided to make another dress for my daughter.  This one didn't turn out quite like I had hoped.  I don't know why, but there's something about it I don't like.  Possibly that:

a.) it's too big and seems to drown her a little bit (I have no clue how to re-size it now that it's done.)

or b.) it's yellow, and so is her hair, maybe too much yellow?

or c.) maybe the neckline, I did it wrong and it just doesn't look right.

It's most likely A.  She'll grow into it, right?
Anyway she still likes it, and it just gives me space to improve.


1 comment:

Susan said...

I think the dress is adorable, and not too yellow at all. It is a bit big on her, but you don't have to worry about that, I'm sure by summer it will fit her perfectly.