November 10, 2010

Mountain Wall Hanging

This quilt is my absolute favorite!  Possibly because it has great sentimental value, it is my very first quilt.  You could say that this quilt is the one that started it all.  My husband is in the USCG and he was ordered to a training school.  He was going to be gone for nearly 4 full months so I moved from Seattle Wa, where we were living at the time, back to Bountiful Utah, where our families were.  While I was there my mother-in-law taught me how to quilt.  I made this quilt for my husband and I to hang in our house in our new home. 

This quilt is pretty much entirely applique.  I had a lot of fun with it too!

The orginal pattern (I'm not sure where my MIL found the pattern) had 3 hearts in the center block.  I didn't like it like that so I replaced the hearts with a tent, some bears and a camp fire.  I think it is much more fitting for my house and my family.

I made an identical quilt for my Dad for his vacation house.  The colors are much more bright, and the borders are green instead of red.  I don't have a picture of that quilt... I forgot to take one before I gave it to him and he hasn't had a chance to send me a picture yet.  Hopefully I'll get one soon. 

*Dad if you're reading this, I'd really like a picture* ☺

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