January 21, 2011

I Won I Won I Won!

Take a look at the cool quilting book I won from Conntecting Threads (my favorite ever online fabric store).

(It's Edyta Sitar's latest quilting book titled Friendship Strips and Scraps)
It has 18 AMAZING quilts inside and they are all so beautiful!  I wish I had a fortune to go by fabric right now so I could make every single one of them!

I did have favorties though.  Would you like to see what I might be making in the future?
Me too!

This is the first one:

I think I love this one because it's so simple!  Yet so elegant.  I'm in love.

And this table runner.  Stunning.  I think it's georgeous!

I'm just so excited to have won something.  I can't wait to get started!

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